Distant view of the outdoor pool area at Shangri-La Monkey Island


Discover luxury and relaxation at Shangri-La Resort

Experience comfort and luxury in our 119 well-appointed, non-smoking rooms and suites at Shangri-La Resort, nestled on the picturesque shores of spectacular Grand Lake O' the Cherokees on Monkey Island, Oklahoma. Enjoy seamless connectivity with complimentary Wi-Fi available in all hotel rooms, ensuring a relaxing and convenient stay.

King Patio with a cozy bed & view at Shangri-La Monkey Island

King Patio

Experience luxury in this stylish guestroom featuring a king-sized bed, a soft seating area, and a courtyard patio just steps from the outdoor pool area. This room also includes a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

King Sofa

King Sofa

Relax in this stylish guestroom featuring a king-sized bed, a pullout sofa bed and living area, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

Cozy bed with a view in King Room at Shangri-La Monkey Island


Indulge in comfort with this stylish guestroom featuring a king-sized bed, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

Interior of King Studio Balcony at Shangri-La Monkey Island

King Studio Balcony

Prefer a birds-eye view? This stylish guestroom features a luxury king-sized bed, a spacious living area with a sofa, an outdoor patio, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

King Studio

King Studio

Unwind in this stylish guestroom featuring a king-sized bed, a spacious living area with a sofa, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

King Accessible

Accessible King

Experience comfort and accessibility in this stylish guestroom featuring one king- sized bed, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities, along with ADA accessible accommodations and amenities.

Cozy beds with carpeted floors in Double Queen Guestroom at Shangri-La Monkey Island

Double Queen Guestroom

Enjoy this stylish guestroom featuring two queen-sized beds, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities, perfect for groups and families.

Accessible Double Queen

Accessible Double Queen

Experience comfort and accessibility in this stylish guestroom featuring two queen- sized beds, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities, along with ADA accessible accommodations and amenities.

Double Queen Suite Balcony

Double Queen Studio Balcony

Enjoy comfort in this stylish guestroom featuring two queen-sized beds, a spacious sitting area, a balcony, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a lavish guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

Corner Suite

Invite guests over for dinner or cocktails in this spacious, luxury suite featuring a comfortable living area with sofa and chair, a convenient kitchen area and dining bar. The separate bedroom features a king size bed with work desk and spacious guest bathroom with modern amenities.

King Patio with a cozy bed & view at Shangri-La Monkey Island

King Patio

Experience luxury in this stylish guestroom featuring a king-sized bed, a soft seating area, and a courtyard patio just steps from the outdoor pool area. This room also includes a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

King Sofa

King Sofa

Relax in this stylish guestroom featuring a king-sized bed, a pullout sofa bed and living area, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

Cozy bed with a view in King Room at Shangri-La Monkey Island


Indulge in comfort with this stylish guestroom featuring a king-sized bed, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

Interior of King Studio Balcony at Shangri-La Monkey Island

King Studio Balcony

Prefer a birds-eye view? This stylish guestroom features a luxury king-sized bed, a spacious living area with a sofa, an outdoor patio, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

King Studio

King Studio

Unwind in this stylish guestroom featuring a king-sized bed, a spacious living area with a sofa, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

King Accessible

Accessible King

Experience comfort and accessibility in this stylish guestroom featuring one king- sized bed, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities, along with ADA accessible accommodations and amenities.

Cozy beds with carpeted floors in Double Queen Guestroom at Shangri-La Monkey Island

Double Queen Guestroom

Enjoy this stylish guestroom featuring two queen-sized beds, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities, perfect for groups and families.

Accessible Double Queen

Accessible Double Queen

Experience comfort and accessibility in this stylish guestroom featuring two queen- sized beds, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a spacious guest bathroom with modern bath amenities, along with ADA accessible accommodations and amenities.

Double Queen Suite Balcony

Double Queen Studio Balcony

Enjoy comfort in this stylish guestroom featuring two queen-sized beds, a spacious sitting area, a balcony, a flatscreen HDTV, work desk, and a lavish guest bathroom with modern bath amenities.

Corner Suite

Invite guests over for dinner or cocktails in this spacious, luxury suite featuring a comfortable living area with sofa and chair, a convenient kitchen area and dining bar. The separate bedroom features a king size bed with work desk and spacious guest bathroom with modern amenities.